The website of the Lanchkhuti Municipality fails to meet the standards of transparency - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

The website of the Lanchkhuti Municipality fails to meet the standards of transparency

29 May, 2018

TI Georgia has conducted a study to find out whether municipalities have adopted standards of proactive publication of public information and to what extent they comply with this obligation.

As demonstrated by the study conducted by the organization, the website of the Lanchkhuti Municipality ( fails to meet the standards of transparency.


In the case of Lanchkhuti:

  • The municipality has adopted an ordinance on proactive publication of public information, although the ordinance is not in line with the requirements of Ordinance No. 219 of the Government of Georgia, which establishes a high standard of proactive publication of public information;
  • The ordinance adopted by the Lanchkhuti Municipality does not contain a complete list of information that should be published proactively;
  • The ordinance provides for publishing 24 types of information in total, whereas, according to the practice established in the majority of municipalities, the list of information to be published pertains to 50 different issues;  
  • It is also noteworthy that the Lanchkhuti Municipality fails to fully publish the information specified by the ordinance.


See detailed information in the tables below:  

TI Georgia calls upon the Lanchkhuti Municipality to make amendments to the relevant ordinance and to bring it in line with Ordinance 219 of the Government of Georgia, as well as to ensure that information is uploaded fully to the official website.