Media - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო
18 June, 2024

Annual TV Advertising Market Report - 2023

“Transparency International Georgia” publishes a traditional report on TV advertising market review. In 2023, compared to the previous year, the total advertising revenue of broadcasters increased by 18.8% (15.1 million GEL) and became 95 million GEL. TV station advertising revenues increased mainly because of pro-government broadcasters.

27 October, 2023

By the force of law: the Georgian media faces the danger of censorship

The Parliament has considered and adopted – in an accelerated manner and without a broad public discussion – changes to the Law on Broadcasting proposed by members of the parliamentary majority, which, together with other novelties, provide for the transfer of hate speech and obscenity from the realm of self-regulation (when the media themselves consider complaints and forms of responding to them in order to uphold and improve profess

06 June, 2023

“Bureaucratic Scalpel” Against Critical Media

One year before the parliamentary elections, when the openness of the Parliament and increased access to information about the activities of individual parliamentarians are even more important, the Parliament has become an even more closed and opaque institution for representatives of the critical media.

18 January, 2023

Media Advocacy Coalition considers the Verdict of Tbilisi Court of Appeal in the July 5 case alarming

Media Advocacy Coalition responds to the verdict [1] ruled by the Tbilisi Court of Appeal on January 16, 2023, according to which those convicted of committing organized group violence on media representatives on July 5, 2021, were acquitted, and the sentence imposed by the Court of First Instance was reduced. The verdict represents another step taken against journalists, freedom of expression, and democratic processes.

07 December, 2022

Court Judgments on Defamation against Media having signs of Kleptocracy

The judgment of the Tbilisi City Court that partially granted the claim of the Mayor of Tbilisi, Kakha Kaladze, against  TV Pirveli and the journalist Maia Mamulashvili constitutes a transition of the recent dangerous tendency of pressure on the media to a new stage, when representatives of the authorities use the court to oppress critical media. 
