Businesses and Political Donations of Majoritarian Candidates: United National Movement - United Opposition Strength in Unity - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Businesses and Political Donations of Majoritarian Candidates: United National Movement - United Opposition Strength in Unity

05 October, 2020

In order to keep voters informed in the run up to the 2020 parliamentary elections, Transparency International Georgia is looking into all of the majoritarian candidates nominated by political parties – specifically their business connections and political donations. This time we examined the candidates nominated by the election bloc United National Movement - United Opposition Strength in Unity. The election bloc is composed of 5 political parties (United National Movement (UNM), Progress and Freedom, State for the People, Republican Party and European Democrats), of which only 3 parties nominated majoritarian candidates: UNM - 20 candidates; Progress and Freedom - 4 candidates; and State for the People - 1 candidate.

The first report in this series looked at the business connections and political donations of majoritarian candidates nominated by the ruling Georgian Dream party. Future reports will cover the remaining parties taking part in the 2020 elections.

We examined business activities of majoritarian candidates and their family members, the participation of their companies in public procurement and privatization of state-owned property (covering the period from 2012 to September 1, 2020), political donations made by these persons and their business partners, and asset declarations of former public officials nominated as candidates.

Key findings:

  • Out of 25 majoritarian candidates nominated by the United National Movement - United Opposition Strength in Unity, 16 are involved in entrepreneurial activities (13 - themselves, and in three cases - only family members). These 16 candidates in total are associated with 113 companies in various forms. However, half of these companies (56) are linked with only 2 majoritarian candidates: Kakhaber Okriashvili and Tsezar Chocheli.
  • In 2012-2020, 17 candidates, their families and business partners have donated GEL 621,987 to the United National Movement, of which GEL 285,302 were personal donations of 12 candidates. The party's 5 largest donors (including family and business partners) are: Tsezar Chocheli with GEL 134,000, Kakhaber Okriashvili - GEL 90,000, Davit Kirkitadze - GEL 77,000, Nanuka Zhorzholiani - GEL 62,500 and Khatia Dekanoidze - GEL 52,000.
  • 8 candidates (personally or their affiliates) are also donors of other parties: Georgian Dream – GEL 757,780 (Kakhaber Okriashvili - 388,000, Roland Pipia - 175,000, Tsezar Chocheli - 69,780, Dilar Khabuliani - 65,000, Manuchar Kvirkvelia - 60,000); Tsezar Chocheli (Independent Candidate) GEL 145,000 (Tsezar Chocheli - 85,000, Kakhaber Okriashvili - 60,000); Alliance of Patriots – GEL 113,500 (Nato Chkheidze); State for the People – GEL 2,398 (Levan Khabeishvili - 1,898, Nato Chkheidze - 500); European Georgia – GEL 2,000 (Vazha Chitashvili).
  • The companies currently affiliated with 7 majoritarian candidates have taken part in public procurement. The companies related to two candidates (Kakhaber Okriashvili and Tsezar Chocheli) received more than GEL 95.5 million in 2011-2020 through tenders and simplified procurements, while the other five candidates got public procurement contracts of GEL 186,711. These candidates are: Grigol Vashadze, Kakha Getsadze, Giorgi Kapanadze, Nato Chkheidze and Dilar Khabuliani.
  • Companies related to Kakhaber Okriashvili and Tsezar Chocheli are also beneficiaries of the state program "Produce in Georgia". Three companies linked with these candidates have received a certain amount of state co-financing on a total investment of GEL 30,306,480.
  • Only one candidate, Bondo Tevdoradze, is not engaged in entrepreneurial activities and has not made any political donations.

The following 6 out of 25 majoritarian candidates are current or former public officials who had to fill in asset declarations in 2019-2020: Badri Basishvili, Kakhaber Okriashvili, Nato Chkheidze, Azer Suleimanov, Nikanor Melia and Misha Bolkvadze. Violations were revealed in only one declaration:

  • Nato Chkheidze did not fully and correctly reflect the companies owned by her husband in the declaration filed in 2019.

Tbilisi Election Districts:

Nikanor Melia

Majoritarian candidate in Gldani election district
Currently: Chairman of the Political Council of the United National Movement
Past: MP in 2016-2019

Nikanor Melia is not involved in entrepreneurial activities. In 2018, he donated GEL 30,000 to the United National Movement.

Levan Khabeishvili

Majoritarian candidate in Samgori election district
Currently: Member of Tbilisi City Assembly

Levan Khabeishvili is an individual entrepreneur. In 2016, he donated GEL 1,898 to the Movement State for the People, and GEL 21,999 - to the United National Movement in 2018-19.

Khatia Dekanoidze

Majoritarian candidate in Isani election district
Past: Minister of Education of Georgia in 2012, Rector of the Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs in 2007-2012

Khatia Dekanoidze is not involved in entrepreneurial activities. She is an active political donor, in 2018-20, she donated a total of GEL 52,000 to the United National Movement.

Regional Election Districts:

Giorgi Botkoveli

Majoritarian candidate in Telavi, Akhmeta, Kvareli and Lagodekhi election district
Past: First Deputy Governor of Kakheti

Giorgi Botkoveli is not involved in entrepreneurial activities. He donated GEL 23,500 to the United National Movement in 2013-20.

Levan Bezhashvili

Majoritarian candidate in Gurjaani, Sagarejo, Dedoplistskaro and Sighnaghi election district
Past: MP in 2004-2008 and 2012-2016, Governor of Kakheti in 2008, Chairman of the Chamber of Control of Georgia in 2008-2012

Levan Bezhashvili is not involved in entrepreneurial activities. He donated GEL 25,603 to the United National Movement in 2013-20. His wife, Esma Arghvliani, donated GEL 3,500 to the same party in 2019-2020, while his son, Alexander Bezhashvili, contributed a total of GEL 3,000 ]to the party's budget in 2020.

Grigol Vashadze

Majoritarian candidate in Kutaisi election district
Currently: Chairman of the United National Movement
Past: Minister of Foreign Affairs in 2008-2012, Minister of Culture, Monument Protection and Sports in 2008

Grigol Vashadze is not personally involved in entrepreneurial activities. His wife Nino Ananiashvili owns shares in two companies and is an individual entrepreneur:



First Trading Company LTD




Individual entrepreneur


In 2013-2016, NINA ANANIASHVILI & WINE ART LTD received 3 small simplified public procurement contracts with a total value of GEL 3,907 from the Embassy of Georgia in the Republic of Korea.

Nanuka Zhorzholiani

Majoritarian candidate in Samtredia, Tskaltubo, Vani and Khoni election district

Journalist Nanuka Zhorzholiani is engaged in entrepreneurial activities and owns shares in 3 companies and / or holds the position of director:



Alternative News TV LTD

70% / Director

Nanuka Zhorzholiani’s Show LTD

100% / Director

Super Board LTD


Nanuka Zhorzholiani is hosting a TV program on TV channel Mtavari Arkhi.  40% of this TV company (Mtavari Arkhi LTD) is owned by Zaza Okuashvili, the husband of Nato Chkheidze, another majoritarian candidate nominated by the election bloc Strength in Unity.

Nanuka Zhorzholiani herself is not a political donor. Her business partner, Kakhaber Anjaparidze, who owns 5% of Super Board LTD., donated GEL 2,500 to the United National Movement in 2012. Izabela Gutidze, the owner of 5% of the same company, donated GEL 60,000 to the United National Movement in 2012.

Kakha Getsadze

Majoritarian candidate in Tkibuli, Terjola, Zestaponi and Baghdati election district
Past: Majoritarian MP from Zestaponi in 2008-2012; Chairman of the faction "National Movement" of Zestaponi Sakrebulo in 2014-2017

Kakha Getsadze and his wife Iana Vibliani are involved in entrepreneurial activities and own shares in 7 companies:




Kakha Getsadze

Kerketi LTD

100% / Director

Apogeum LTD


Mnpro LTD


Iana Vibliani



Travel World LTD


Travel World Georgia LTD

100% / Director

Travel World Tbilisi LTD

100% / Director

Iana Vibliani's company LITTLE STARS LTD received one simplified public procurement contract worth GEL 3,793 in 2012; Travel World LTD has got two simplified public procurement contracts in 2017-2018 with a total value of GEL 78,425; Travel World Georgia LTD has received three small simplified procurement contracts in 2018-2019 with a total value of GEL 5,650.

In August 2018, Kakha Getsadze did not fully disclose his and his wife's companies in the asset declaration filled in with the status of the former chairman of the Zestaponi Sakrebulo’s National Movement faction. In addition, he did not transfer the right to manage the companies to another person during his tenure, which is a violation of the law on Conflict of Interests.

Giorgi Kapanadze

Majoritarian candidate in Sachkhere, Chiatura and Kharagauli election district

Giorgi Kapanadze is the director and 100% owner of Internet Media Group LTD. (formerly LTD.). This company owns 100% of the company Caucasus Internet Media Group LTD., in which Giorgi Kapanadze also holds the position of director.

In 2014-19, Internet Media Group LTD got six small simplified public procurement contracts with a total value of GEL 11,500. Caucasus Internet Media Group LTD received five simplified public procurement contracts in the amount of GEL 5,600 in 2012.

In 2020, Giorgi Kapanadze donated GEL 300 to the United National Movement.

Malkhaz Jalaghonia

Majoritarian candidate in Zugdidi district

Doctor Malkhaz Jalaghonia is the director of Express Medical LTD.

Roland Pipia

Majoritarian candidate in Tsalenjikha, Chkhorotsku, Martvili and Abasha election district
Past: Majoritarian MP from Tsalenjikha in 2008-2012

Roland Pipia is involved in entrepreneurial activities. He holds shares in four companies and / or the position of director.



Geokhim LTD


Rogi LTD

50% / Director

Rogi+ LTD

100% / Director

Ruscapitalgroup LTD


Pipia’s business partner, director and 50% owner of Geokhim LTD, Davit Inauri donated GEL 175,000 to the Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia in 2016-2019. Chabuki Nozadze, the owner of 17% of the same company, donated GEL 5,000 GEL to the United National Movement in 2012.

Murtaz Zodelava

Majoritarian candidate in Poti, Senaki and Khobi election district
Past: MP in 2008-2009; Chief Prosecutor of Georgia in 2010-2012

Murtaz Zodelava himself is not engaged in entrepreneurial activities. His wife Maia Mumladze is associated with 4 companies:



Licheli and Partners GP

Founder / Director

Legal Consulting Company LCC LTD


Legal Consulting and Services LTD


Igis Finances LTD

Legal Consulting and Services LTD owns 50% of this company

Maia Mumladze donated GEL 15,300 to the United National Movement in 2018-2020. Her business partner, the director and 25% owner of Legal Consulting and Services LTD Dimitri Dzagnidze donated GEL 4,925 to the United National Movement in 2016. Giorgi Chiviashvili, the owner of 25% of the same company, donated GEL 5,000 to the United National Movement in 2016. Beka Basilaia, the owner of 5% of the company, donated GEL 10,000 to the United National Movement in 2018. Shirim Vekua, the director and 50% owner of Igis Finances LTD donated GEL 3,460 to the United National Movement in 2016.

In total, Maia Mumladze and her business partners donated GEL 38,685 to the United National Movement.

Badri Basishvili

Majoritarian candidate in Gori and Kaspi election district
Currently: MP
Past: MP in 2008-2012

Badri Basishvili is not involved in entrepreneurial activities. In 2012-2020, he donated a total of GEL 35,000 to the United National Movement.

Levan Varshalomidze

Majoritarian candidate in Batumi election district
Past Chairman of the Government of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara

Levan Varshalomidze owns 51% of LV & PARTNERS LTD. Moreover, according to the asset declaration filled in by him with the status of a former member of the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Adjara in 2018, he owns 100% of LV PARTNERS DANISMANLIK LTD registered in Turkey.

Batumi majoritarian candidate donated GEL 5,000 to the United National Movement in 2013.

Misha Bolkvadze

Majoritarian candidate in Khelvachauri, Keda, Shuakhevi and Khulo election district
Currently: Chairman of the faction "United National Movement - Christian Conservatives" in Khelvachauri Municipality Assembly

Misha Bolkvadze is not involved in entrepreneurial activities. In 2016, he donated GEL 1,800 to the United National Movement.

Davit Kirkitadze

Majoritarian candidate in Rustavi and Gardabani election district
Past: Governor of Kvemo Kartli, MP in 2004-2008

Davit Kirkitadze is not involved in entrepreneurial activities. He donated GEL 77,000 to the United National Movement in 2015-20.

Azer Suleimanov

Majoritarian candidate in Marneuli and Gardabani election district
Currently: MP
Past: MP in 1999-2004 and 2008-2020 and Governor of Kvemo Kartli in 2004-2008

Azer Suleimanov is not involved in entrepreneurial activities. He donated GEL 8,100 to the United National Movement in 2014-2017.

Vazha Chitashvili

Majoritarian candidate in Akhaltsikhe, Borjomi, Adigeni and Aspindza election district
Past: Majoritarian MP from Akhaltsikhe in 2012-2016

Vazha Chitashvili is the director of Nardi LTD. His wife Marina Zakroshvili owns 24% of the company and 7% of Stomatologist LTD.

Vazha Chitashvili donated GEL 5,000 to the United National Movement in 2016, and GEL 2,000 to the European Georgia Movement for Freedom in 2018.

Melik Raisian

Majoritarian candidate in Akhalkalaki and Ninotsminda election district
Past: MP in 1995-2008

Melik Raisian is a 100% owner and director of Alex Import Company LTD. His son Karlo Raisian is an individual entrepreneur.

Nato Chkheidze

Majoritarian candidate in Khashuri and Kareli election district
Political party: Movement State for the People
Currently: MP, Chairman of the Political Council of the "Movement State for the People"
Past: MP in 1999-2004

In 2016, Nato Chkheidze entered the Parliament of Georgia through the list of the Alliance of Patriots of Georgia, and her husband Zaza Okuashvili entered the Supreme Council of Adjara through the list of the same party. Nato Chkheidze is not personally involved in entrepreneurial activities, however, Zaza Okuashvili owns shares in 8 companies:



Additional Information

Delta LTD




The company received one public procurement contract worth of GEL 600 in 2019.


The company owns a 100% stake in the company Iberia-TV LTD, which, in 2017 and 2018, won two consolidated public tenders for the purchase of TV airtime, along with other companies. Within the framework of consolidated tenders, it signed 14 contracts with a total value of GEL 34,205. In addition, in 2018, the company signed four small simplified public procurement contracts with a total value of GEL 5,831.

Monte LTD


Omega Motors Group LTD


The company received four simplified public procurement contracts in 2016-2019 with a total value of GEL 32,420.

Matrix LTD


The company owns a 100% stake in the company Cardu LTD



Company is registered in the UK

In the last asset declaration filed in December 2019, Nato Chkheidze did not list the companies owned by her husband and the (subsidiary) enterprises related to these companies. Zaza Okuashvili has the same violations in the last asset declaration filled in as a former member of the Supreme Council of Adjara. In addition, Zaza Okuashvili did not have the right to manage his stake in the companies when he was a member of the Supreme Council, and he violated the law.

Zaza Okuashvili's four companies and one of his business partners donated GEL 110,000 to the Alliance of Patriots over several days.

Donation date

Donor and amount of donation

July 20, 2016

Monte LTD – GEL 15,000

Vesta LTD (currently Omega Motor Group) – GEL 35,000

Matrix LTD – GEL 30,000

July 22, 2016

Cardu LTD – GEL 15,000

July 25, 2016

Skalini LTD, a company of Davit Pankvelashvili, the director of Omega Motor Group LTD – GEL 15,000

Nato Chkheidze donated GEL 500 to the "Movement State for the People" in 2020. In 2016, Zaza Okuashvili's business partner, Konstantine Vashakmadze, donated GEL 3,500 to the Alliance of Patriots.

The companies founded by Zaza Okuashvili - BGIM LTD (Great Britain), Monte LTD, Omega Motor Group LTD, Matrix LTD and BENMONT LTD - own 39.8% of Mtavari Channel LTD. In addition, BGIM LTD manages 0.2% of Mtavari Channel owned by Maguli Kharebava.

Manuchar Kvirkelia

Majoritarian candidate in Ozurgeti, Chokhatauri and Lanchkhuti election district
Political party: Progress and Freedom
Past: Olympic champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, former president of the Wrestling Federation

Manuchar Kvirkvelia is engaged in entrepreneurial activities and owns shares in five companies and / or holds the position of director:


Share / position

Europa Entertainment LTD

33.34% / Director

Boki LTD




Bondi Development LTD


New Alliance LTD


Manuchar Kvirkvelia himself is not a political donor. In 2016, Aleksi Modebadze, the owner of 20% of Boki LTD, donated GEL 60,000 to the Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia.

Kakhaber Okriashvili

Majoritarian candidate in Bolnisi, Dmanisi, Tetritskaro and Tsalka election district
Political party: Progress and Freedom
Currently: MP, chairman of the political party Progress and Freedom

Kakhaber Okriashvili became a majoritarian MP from Dmanisi back in 2004 as an independent candidate nominated by an initiative group. In the 2008 and 2012 parliamentary elections, he was nominated as the Dmanisi majoritarian candidate by the then ruling party, the United National Movement, and in 2016, he was the candidate of the Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia.

Kakhaber Okriashvili is involved in entrepreneurial activities. He, his wife Lina Topuria, son Giorgi Okriashvili and brother Vazha Okriashvili are affiliated with 33 companies that received more than GEL 77.8 million in public procurement in 2011-2020:

Kakhaber Okriashvili



Additional information

PSP Pharma LTD


In 2012-2020, the company won more than 900 public tenders worth more than GEL 50 million; The company also received 2,827 simplified public contracts worth more than $ 12 million.

Geomed LTD


In 2011-2020, the company won 17 public tenders worth GEL 1,322,775 and got 7 simplified public procurement contracts worth GEL 104,895.

Sanimedi LTD


Axa Medical LTD


Sports Science Georgia LTD


The director of the company is his son, Giorgi Okriashvili.

Alfa LTD


Patria Medica LTD


Mandarini LTD




GCT Engineering LTD


Lina Topuria (Wife)



Additional information



In 2013 and 2015, the company won two large public tenders worth GEL 3,392,685; In 2015, it received one simplified public procurement contract worth $ 116,478.


The company owns shares in JSC Fargona Dari-Darmon

Closed Joint Stock Company Egis Pharmaceuticals Representation in Georgia


Linati LTD

Director / 100%

Giorgi Okriashvili (son)



Additional information

Dragonfly LTD


Golden Fox LTD

Director / 100%

Vazha Okriashvili (brother)

Luxi Provider LTD


Geshi LTD

Director / 48%

Georgian Soul LTD

Director / 100%

Health and Beauty Development Center Odeon LTD


PSP Pharma LTD



Additional information

JSC Georgian Beer Company

The company owns a 33.4% stake in Retail Investments LTD.

New Hospitals LTD


In 2011-2020, the company won 34 public tenders worth GEL 1,442,668 and received 261 simplified public procurement contracts worth GEL 2,645,000.

Medcapital LTD


The company won five public tenders in 2013-2015 with a total value of GEL 141,863. The company also received 45 simplified public procurement contracts in 2012-2020 with a total value of GEL 412,000.


The company, in turn, fully owns five more companies: №23 Polyclinic - Family Medicine Center LTD; №31 Polyclinic - Family Medicine Center LTD; Tbilisi №20 Medical-Diagnostic Center LTD; Medical-Diagnostic Center №6 LTD; and Family Medicine Center N3 LTD.

Patria Medica LTD



Additional information

Academician Z. Tskhakaia National Center of Interventional Medicine of Western Georgia LTD


In 2016, the company won one public tender worth GEL 176,756, while in 2012-2020, it received 255 simplified public procurement contracts worth GEL 5,836,500.

JSC  Kutaisi Regional Mothers and Children Medical Diagnostic Center


In 2012-2013, the company received 29 simplified public procurement contracts worth GEL 111,900.

Tskaltubo District Hospital LTD


In 2012-2020, the company received 9 simplified public procurement contracts worth GEL 20,209.

Tskaltubo Maternity Hospital LTD


Kakhaber Okriashvili declared all the mentioned companies in the asset declaration filled in 2020. In accordance with the Law on Conflict of Interest and Corruption in Public Institutions, he has transferred his shares to Vazha Okriashvili with the right to manage.

Kakhaber Okriashvili and Lina Topuria themselves are not political donors. However, the donors are their family members, companies and business partners, who donated a total of GEL 388,000 to the Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia, GEL 85,000 - to the independent candidate Tsezar Chocheli, and GEL 90,000 to the United National Movement.


Amount donated

Political party / candidate


Connection with Kakha Okriashvili

Gocha Gogilashvili

GEL 60,000

The Georgian Dream



Aversi Pharma LTD

GEL 88,000

The Georgian Dream


Owns MedCapital LTD together with PSP Pharma LTD


GEL 240,000

The Georgian Dream


100% - Lina Topuria (Wife)

JSC Georgian Beer Company

GEL 85,000

Tsezar Chocheli


PSP Pharma LTD

Vazha Okriashvili

GEL 60,000

The United National Movement



Davit Kiladze

GEL 30 000

The United National Movement


Vazha Okriashvili's business partner; Health and Beauty Development Center Odeon LTD

Vazha Okriashvili, the manager of Kakhaber Okriashvili's shares in companies, purchased state property through an electronic auction in 2013, namely 1,000 square meters of land plot and 2 buildings located on it in Dmanisi for GEL 20,000.

GMP LTD, the company of Kakhaber Okriashvili's wife, Lina Topuria, has received co-financing from the state program "Produce in Georgia" for a total investment of GEL 9,043,200. In addition, Kakhaber Okriashvili's company, PSP Pharma LTD, owns a stake in JSC Georgian Beer Company, which received state co-financing on an investment of GEL 20,382,000. Through JSC Georgian Beer Company, Kakhaber Okriashvili is linked with another majoritarian candidate nominated by the United National Movement - United Opposition Strength in Unity, Tzezar Chocheli, who is the chairman of the company's supervisory board.

Tsezar Chocheli

Majoritarian candidate in Mtskheta, Dusheti, Tianeti and Kazbegi election district
Political party: Progress and Freedom
Past: Former Governor of Mtskheta-Mtianeti

Tsezar Chocheli, his son Shalva Chocheli and brother Iago Chocheli are actively engaged in entrepreneurial activities and are associated with 23 companies that have received public procurement contracts of GEL 17,467,533 in 2012-2020:

Tsezar Chocheli



Additional information

Mixori LTD


In 2011-2020, the company has won five public tenders and seven simplified public procurement contracts with a total value of GEL 233,367. In addition, the company won five more tenders announced by state-owned companies (specially established procurement) with a total value of USD 2,490,387 and GEL 101,600.


The company owns shares in three more companies: 100% - Mixorcement LTD; 50% - Infra Construction Mixer LTD; 50% - Arrow XXI LTD.

Interplast LTD


Iago Chocheli, brother of Tsezar Chocheli, owns 10% of the company.


In 2012, the company received six small simplified public procurement contracts with a total value of GEL 2,615.


The company owns a 100% stake in Interplast-Block LTD.

GG Group LTD


The company owns a 100% stake in Relkoshi LTD.

Georgian Water Company LTD


JSC Georgian Beer Company

Chairman / member

The company owns a 33.4% stake in Retail Investments LTD. The company, in turn, owns a 60% stake in Retail Group LTD, which won a public tender worth GEL 9,996 in 2019, as well as received 143 small simplified public procurement contracts in 2018-2020 with a total value of more than GEL 320,000.

Shalva Chocheli (Son)



Additional Information

JSC Chocheli Industrial Group

Director General

Chocheli Business Group LTD

Director / 100%

Georgian Construction Materials Company LTD


The company owns a 30% stake in Black Sea Cement LTD.

Georgian Trading Group LTD


Kombucha Brewers Georgia LTD


Iago Chocheli (brother)



Additional Information

Barambo LTD


The company won 16 public tenders worth GEL 5,602,202 in 2011-2020 and received 32 public procurement contracts with a total value of GEL 1,027,429 (out of which six contracts were consolidated - GEL 810,094). Also, the company won two consolidated tenders with a total estimated value of GEL 2,913,216 and two specially established tenders with a total value of GEL 851,850.

Akhalgorgazi LTD


New Word LTD

Director / 67%

Antonio LTD


Berta LTD


Tsezar and Shalva Chocheli themselves are not political donors, although their business partners, as well as Tsezar Chocheli's brother Iago Chocheli, have made donations in favor of different electoral subjects at different times. In total, they donated GEL 134,000 to the United National Movement, GEL 145,000 - to the independent candidate Tsezar Chocheli and GEL 69,780 - to the Georgian Dream:


Amount donated

Political party / candidate


Connection with Tsezar Chocheli

Akaki Jikia

60,000 ₾

Salome Zurabishvili


Infra Construction Mixori LTD

JSC Georgian Beer Company

85,000 ₾

Tsezar Chocheli


Tsezar Chocheli - Chairman of the Supervisory Board

Mari Chocheli

30,000 ₾

Tsezar Chocheli


Barambo LTD

Iago Chocheli

20,000 ₾

Tsezar Chocheli


Brother of Tsezar Chocheli

60,000 ₾

The United National Movement


Ilia Shikhashvili

10,000 ₾

Tsezar Chocheli


Georgian Construction Materials Company LTD

8,000 ₾

The United National Movement


Devi Ovashvili

60,000 ₾

The United National Movement


Interplast LTD

Temur Maisuradze

9,780 ₾

The National Forum



Gia Gatenashvili

6,000 ₾

The United National Movement


Akhalgorgazi LTD

Tsezar Chocheli is the Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Georgian Beer Company. The company has received state co-financing on an investment of GEL 20,382,000 through the state program "Produce in Georgia". Through the same program, Barambo LTD, the director of which is Iago Chocheli – Tsezar’s brother – has received state co-financing on an investmenr of GEL 881,280.

Through the Georgian Beer Company, Tsezar Chocheli is linked with Kakhaber Okriashvili, another majoritarian candidate nominated by the United National Movement - United Opposition Strength in Unity election bloc, whose company PSP Pharma also owns shares in JSC Georgian Beer Company.

Dilar Khabuliani

Majoritarian candidate in Ambrolauri, Oni, Tsageri, Lentekhi and Mestia election district
Political party: Progress and Freedom
Past: Minister of Internal Affairs of Georgia in 1990-1991, MP in 1995-1999 and 2008-2012

Dilar Khabuliani is engaged in entrepreneurial activities and owns shares in 12 companies:



Football Club Merani LTD


Old District LTD



The company is the founder of Libo Group GP

Sport Club Merani LTD


Euroimmo LTD


Rasha Tejarat Georgia LTD


Martve 2011 LTD


Young Dinamo-Merani LTD


Arboli LTD


Geobitum LTD


Gorga+ LTD



The company owns a 49% stake in Crossway Kavtaradze LTD

Dilar Khabuliani is not a political donor. His business partner, director and owner of 20% of Geobitum LTD, Gia Adamia donated GEL 15,000 to Salome Zurabishvili in 2018. Paata Jankhoteli, the owner of 20% of the same company, donated GEL 50,000 to the Georgian Dream - Democratic Georgia in 2014.

Dilar Khabuliani has taken part in the privatization of state property: in 2015, he bought 162 square meter of land plot and building on it for GEL 12,500 in Lentekhi through an electronic auction. In 2016, he bought another 122 square meter land plot and an attached building for GEL 12,500 in Lentekhi.

In 2017-2019, Dilar Khabuliani's company Young Dinamo-Merani LTD received five small simplified public procurement contracts of GEL 4,780.