Podcasts | საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Week in Parliament: January 28

28 January, 2013

Each week TI Georgia records and publishes a Georgian language audio podcast where the most interesting events happening in the Georgian Parliament are discussed. All media outlets, bloggers and interested parties are welcome to rebroadcast these pod

Week in Parliament: January 28

28 January, 2013

Each week TI Georgia records and publishes a Georgian language audio podcast where the most interesting events happening in the Georgian Parliament are discussed. All media outlets, bloggers and interested parties are welcome to rebroadcast these pod

Week in Parliament: January 21

21 January, 2013

Each week TI Georgia records and publishes a Georgian language audio podcast where the most interesting events happening in the Georgian Parliament are discussed. All media outlets, bloggers and interested parties are welcome to rebroadcast these pod

Week in Parliament: January 14

14 January, 2013

Each week TI Georgia records and publishes a Georgian language audio podcast where the most interesting events happening in the Georgian Parliament are discussed.

A week in Parliament: 30 November podcast

30 November, 2012

TI Georgia's new initiative: each week we will record and publish a Georgian language audio podcast where the most interesting events happening in the Georgian Parliament will be discussed.

A week in Parliament: 17 December podcast

17 December, 2012

Each week TI Georgia records and publishes a Georgian language audio podcast where the most interesting events happening in the Georgian Parliament are discussed. All media outlets, bloggers and interested parties are welcome to rebroadcast these pod

A week in Parliament: our first podcast

23 November, 2012

TI Georgia's new initiative: each week we will record and publish a Georgian language audio podcast where the most interesting events happening in the Georgian Parliament will be discussed.