About the Election Observation Mission of Transparency International Georgia - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

About the Election Observation Mission of Transparency International Georgia

27 October, 2018


Transparency International Georgia (TI Georgia) will deploy 350 observers to monitor the October 28 Presidential Elections. Our static observers will cover 300 precincts throughout the country. In addition, 45 mobile groups will also be involved in election observation.

The voters activity is very important for free and fair elections. Therefore, we call on every voter to arrive at the polling station and make their choice.

On election day TI Georgia will hold two press conferences at 13:00 and 20:30 in order to present preliminary assessments of election day developments. The final assessment will be provided on October 29 at 11:00. Additional statements will be made upon necessity.

Moreover, on election day TI Georgia will have Georgian/English updated live blog on its webpage. All statements will also be posted on our Facebook and Twitter pages.

If you suspect election fraud, voting law violations or polling-place irregularities, please contact our hotline at +995 322 92 14 03.
