Lands Confiscated in Anaklia - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Lands Confiscated in Anaklia

22 February, 2013

Transparency International Georgia publishes information about violations of property rights in the area of Anaklia in 2008-2009.

According to our information, representatives of the prosecutor's office have pressurized the following citizens: Gocha Kardava, Goneli Putkaradze, and Zurab Jikia to abandon their property in favor of the state. Additionally, part of the land belonging to Rezo Jgheria, Murtaz Shonia, and David Skhulukhia has been arbitrarily seized by the state without payment of appropriate compensation and in noncompliance with legal procedures.

Later on, the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs has begun construction of certain facilities on the deprived areas.

The right to property is guaranteed by the Constitution and its limitation may be made only in cases prescribed by law. Transparency International Georgia has repeatedly published reports on illegal actions against citizens in the resort of Anaklia.

TI- Georgia calls on the Georgian Prosecutor General's Office to launch an investigation against the alleged facts of pressure on the above citizens. We also call the Ministry of Sport and Youth Affairs to take urgent steps to restore the citizens' restricted right to property.

TI Georgia is ready to hand the documents obtained by the organization from the victims over to the law enforcement bodies and the Ministry.

Data on the victims:

1.     Rezo Jgheria - land with the total area of ​​351.00 sq. (Cadastre code  

2.     Murtaz Shonia, Natia Shonia - plot a) with the total area of ​​300 sq. m. (Cadastre code; plot b) with the total area of ​​280 sq. m. (Cadastre code

3.     David Skhulukhia – the area of ​​320 sq. m. (Cadastre code

4.     Clara Petelava – the area of ​​310 sq. m. (Cadastre code

5.     Zurab Jikia – the area of ​​305 sq. m. (Cadastre code

6.     Gocha Kardava – the area of ​​337 sq. m. (Cadastre code

7.     Goneli Putkaradze – the area 301. Sq. m. (Cadastre code
