Aid coordination for IDP housing in Georgia, 2008-2011
This is a summarizing report about aid coordination for IDP housing in Georgia in 2008-2011. It documents and consolidates TI Georgia’s observations over two and a half years monitoring the provision of durable housing to IDPs. The main focus is on the interactions between four sectors – government, donors, aid agencies and civil society. The report also includes a brief case study of aid coordination in the criminal justice sector, which provides a useful comparative context.
This is a summarizing report about aid coordination for IDP housing in Georgia in 2008-2011. It documents and consolidates TI Georgia’s observations over two and a half years monitoring the provision of durable housing to IDPs. The main focus is on the interactions between four sectors – government, donors, aid agencies and civil society. The report also includes a brief case study of aid coordination in the criminal justice sector, which provides a useful comparative context.