September 29: Illegal use of administrative resources in Adjara- a “Georgian Dream” candidate for Parliament Archil Beridze attends budget-funded events in - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

September 29: Illegal use of administrative resources in Adjara- a “Georgian Dream” candidate for Parliament Archil Beridze attends budget-funded events in

  • On September 29, Archil Beridze, parliamentary candidate for the “Georgian Dream”, attended budget-funded events as part of the “Khelvachauri Days 2024” initiative. He attended the celebration along with the heads of the autonomous republic and the municipality. The photo material published by Batumi City Hall clearly shows that the “Georgian Dream” candidate was involved in the event by the organisers.

Archil Beridze does not currently hold a public position; he is a candidate for a member of parliament nominated by the ruling party, so his participation in the budget-funded activity represents a use of budgetary funds for the ruling party's candidate’s campaign, as well as creating the perception that the event is organised by the party.
