September 29: Illegal use of administrative resources in Oni - a “Georgian Dream” candidate for Parliament Gocha Enukidze attends the opening of a new wrestling hall and presents awards to the tournament winners - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

September 29: Illegal use of administrative resources in Oni - a “Georgian Dream” candidate for Parliament Gocha Enukidze attends the opening of a new wrestling hall and presents awards to the tournament winners

  • On September 29, a new wrestling hall was opened at the sports school complex in Oni's Beer Sheva Park. Gocha Enukidze, a “Georgian Dream” candidate for parliament, attended the opening and presented the wrestling tournament winners with awards.

Attendance of a candidate for parliamentary membership at a budget-financed event represents pre-election campaigning with budget funds, as well as, creates the perception that the event is organised by the ruling party.
According to the Election Code, such an activity is considered the use of administrative resources and carries a punishment of up to 4000 GEL.
