Autumn 2012 Work Card: New Government's Commitments and Our Recommendations - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Autumn 2012 Work Card: New Government's Commitments and Our Recommendations

17 December, 2012


This is Transparency International Georgia’s 2012 Autumn Work Card on Georgia. It gives a summary assessment of the key areas in the country that are of crucial importance to the development of a transparent, accountable and democratic state. The Work Card will be published quarterly, covering different issues that are crucial for that specific period.

This is Transparency International Georgia’s 2012 Autumn Work Card on Georgia. It gives a summary assessment of the key areas in the country that are of crucial importance to the development of a transparent, accountable and democratic state. The Work Card will be published quarterly, covering different issues that are crucial for that specific period.

The assessments are followed by concrete recommendations for improvements. They are in no way meant to be exhaustive, but provide a brief overview of areas in need of further attention.

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