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Several facts regarding the resettlement of IDPs

26 January, 2022

The resettlement of IDPs living in dire conditions still remains problematic. According to the Ministry of Internally Displaced Persons from the Occupied Territories, Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia, 92,079 families displaced from the occ

Problems with local democracy after elections

24 January, 2022

The processes that are underway in various municipalities after the October 2021 local self-government elections have once again demonstrated that local democracy is undergoing a crisis. Disagreement among political parties, lack of transparency in p

Overview of TV Procurements Made by Local Municipalities

12 January, 2022

Transparency International Georgia studied state procurements conducted by the municipalities[1] in 2020 for receiving broadcasting services.The study revealed the following:18 out of 63 municipalities conducted the procurements of broadcasting servi