The Marneuli Municipality fails to comply with statutory standards of proactive publication of public information - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

The Marneuli Municipality fails to comply with statutory standards of proactive publication of public information

05 June, 2018

The Marneuli Municipality is one of the self-governing units that have yet to adopt the procedure of proactive publication of public information, by which it violates the requirements of the General Administrative Code.[1] According to the Code, municipalities were obliged to adopt normative acts regulating proactive publication of public information before September 1, 2013.

We have verified the official website of the Marneuli Municipality ( and assessed the level of its comprehensiveness and transparency in accordance with the practice established in the majority of municipalities.

As demonstrated by the study, the Marneuli Municipality fails to publish most of public information on its website:

  • With regard to the Town Council (Sakrebulo), the municipality has only published the Statutes of the Town Council, the annual activity report of the Town Council, a small part of the ordinances, and minutes of sessions. All the rest, including names/surnames of members of the Town Council and information on public officials, is unavailable;

  • With regard to the Town Hall, the municipality has also failed to publish a large part of public information – the website only contains information on the structure and functions of the Town Hall, public officials, and strategies developed.

See detailed information in the tables below:

TI Georgia calls upon the Marneuli Municipality to:

  • Meet the obligation provided for by the General Administrative Code of Georgia and adopt a legal act related to proactive publication of public information in the nearest future;
  • Ensure that the information is fully uploaded/updated on the official website.