Public discussion related to the Supreme Council of Adjara - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Public discussion related to the Supreme Council of Adjara

19 April, 2012

On April 17, Transparency International - Georgia Batumi Office in cooperation with the Supreme Council of Adjara arranged first public discussion related to the Draft Law on ”elections of the Supreme Council of Adjara AR”.

The draft law was presented by chair of the Constitutional, Legal and Procedural issues Commission Mr. Perte Zambakhidze. Representatives of local NGOs attended the meeting.

The draft law covers mostly all changes which have been made in the Electoral Code of Georgia. Nevertheless, NGOs expressed remarks and suggestions which, will be discussed during the second Commission Hearing. See the draft law.

The Memorandum of Understanding signed with the Supreme Council of Adjara includes participation in public discussion on the draft laws, which will contribute to the transparent law-making process and accountability of law-makers.

Discussion was hosted by the USAID Civil Engagement Centre.
