Transparency International Georgia Has Released New Report: Georgia National Integrity System Assessment - საერთაშორისო გამჭვირვალობა - საქართველო

Transparency International Georgia Has Released New Report: Georgia National Integrity System Assessment

24 October, 2011

Tbilisi, 24 October 2011 - Transparency International Georgia has released its latest report: Georgia National Integrity System Assessment. The study involved an analysis of the 12 main institutions that play a key role in terms of promoting good governance and preventing corruption in the country. These are:

National Integrity System studies are conducted throughout the world according to a methodology developed by the Transparency International Secretariat. The Georgia National Integrity System Assessment was carried out in 2009-2011 and this is the first time its results are being published.

Below are some of the important findings of the report:

  • Since 2003, Georgia’s executive branch (including the law enforcement agencies) has become considerably stronger and its capacity to fight corruption has also increased significantly.
  • Because of the weakness of parliament and the judiciary, there is a significant risk of abuse of power at the higher levels of executive authority.
  • A number of other institutions are also weak: political parties, civil society and media.
  • Georgia has adopted multiple important legal provisions desgined to promote good governance in recent years, although they are not always applied thoroughly in practice.

Please, find the report here.
And here is the link to the PDF version:

Contact Person: Erekle Urushadze, Senior Analyst

tel: (8 32) 292 14 03, 293 21 29
