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May 20, Election Media Centre is Launched

25 June, 2010

Tbilisi, Georgia – On 20 May 2010, the Electoral Media Center established jointly by three local observer organizations – Transparency International Georgia, the International Society of Fair Elections and Democracy and the Georgian Young Lawyers’ As

Transparency International Georgia, International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy and Georgian Young Lawyers’ Association Response to the Pre-Election report of the Georgian Inter-Agency Task Force on Free and Fair Elections, June 15

24 June, 2010

This document provides the comment of TI Georgia, ISFED and GYLA regarding the report published on May 25 by the Inter-Agency Task Force on Free and Fair Elections (hereinafter referred to as IATF), which refers to the violations revealed as the resu

The Georgian Taxation System - an Overview

09 June, 2010

Taxation – fundamental to state formation and the provision of state services – has long been an issue that has plagued Georgia. Before the Rose Revolution, there was widespread tax avoidance and evasion, reflecting state weakness and cor
