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Petition regarding the local elections system

29 January, 2014

It is known that, in January 2014, the Inter-Faction group within the Georgian Parliament began to work on the electoral reform based on which elections will be held in 2014. We believe that a relevant revision of the current electoral system should

Statement of the International Society for Fair Elections and Democracy, the Georgian Young Lawyers Association and Transparency International Georgia on the rules of election and rights and duties of Mayors and Governors

27 January, 2014

The bill submitted to the Parliament of Georgia on “Local Self-Government Code” offered important changes such as direct election of Mayors and Governors, for which our organizations had long been advocating. Unfortunately, the bill includes a provis

Joint statement of non-governmental organizations

20 January, 2014

We, the non-governmental organizations signing below, are voicing our concern regarding the government’s inadequate reaction to the widely circulating allegations made by Ivane Merabishvili on December 16. Non-governmental organizations have repeated
