Holiday Feast to Tetritskaro Voters
On June 4th information Agency “INFO 9” publicized a reportage, which tells the story about Tetritskaro Municipality’s MP – Davit Bezhuashvili hosting the local inhabitants with the holiday feast. Such kind of action can be perceived as vote buying and requires thorough investigation.
One of the respondents of the video reportage states that the day before the Asuretoba holiday the “inviters” told the inhabitants that Davit Bezhuashvili was inviting them to a feast. The video reportage shows the preparations for the holiday feast and the MP himself. In addition, the news agency reported that according to the public, Davit Bezhuashvili “intensively sets the similar feasts (supras) in other villages as well”.
Under the organic law of Georgia on “Political Unions of Citizens”, a political party is prohibited from handing over money, gifts and other material or intangible property to Georgian citizens through candidates, representatives or other individuals. In addition to that, under Article 161(1) of the Criminal Code, direct or indirect transfer of money and/or other property for political reasons is punishable by law up to three years of jail or by a fine.
Deriving from the aforementioned, it is possible that criminal offense was committed. It has to be noted that the person providing such gifts is a member of a political party underlining political motivation of this action. We appeal to the Chamber of Control of Georgia and the Prosecutor's Office of Georgia to investigate aforementioned fact and react accordingly.